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今後の予定 [お知らせ]

6月19日(火)7:00~ 大阪府 堺市 泉ヶ丘駅で街頭活動
6月20日(水)6:30~ 大阪府 堺市 光明池駅で街頭活動

6月20日(水)15:00~16:00 社団法人日本外国特派員協会でスピーチ

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英国と香港で報道 [お知らせ]


■The Scotsman (イギリス)

■South China Morning Post(香港)
Poll hopeful happy and gay and ready for a fight

Kanako Otsuji still has the glow of someone who has just tied the knot with the love of her life.
Pictures of Sunday's ceremony are on the wall of her office in the Shinjuku Ni-chome district of Tokyo, showing her in a white dress and veil, holding a bouquet of roses. Beside her is her partner, Maki Kimura, also in a wedding dress, veil and holding roses.

Same-sex marriages are not recognised in Japan, so winning equal rights for gay couples is high on the list of things Ms Otsuji intends to achieve if elected to the Diet.

Nationwide elections are expected to be called for July 22 and Ms Otsuji, who was born in the central Japanese city of Nara and has served as a councillor in the Osaka City Assembly, is the first openly gay person to run for the Diet. The endorsement by the opposition Democratic Party of Japanwas is a major step forward for a range of minority groups marginalised in a

society that prides itself on conformity.

"I want to give all kinds of minorities in Japan a voice to express themselves in the political world," Ms Otsuji says. "I want young people to have a voice, single mothers, the victims of domestic violence, common-law couples who do not have the same rights as married people - not just gays and lesbians."

Ms Otsuji's interest in politics began while at university and, at 20, she worked as an intern for a member of the Osaka City Assembly. The member she worked for was vocal against sexual discrimination and Ms Otsuji says witnessing the debates convinced her that she also could help change society.

Part of that also involves changing Japanese politics, she adds. Of the
seats in the chamber, only seven were occupied by women and the average age of the members was just below 60.

Elected in April 2003 from the suburb of Sakai City, she says she made no mention of her sexuality in her campaign or in office.

It was not until August 2005 that she felt ready to publicly declare her

sexuality, by getting involved in the organising and then marching in the Tokyo Lesbian and Gay Parade and publishing her book Coming Out. She admits it was a difficult time for her family.

"I published it under my real name, so my family was straight away identified as being relatives of a lesbian woman," she says. "In Japan we have a culture of shame, and the shame of one member of a family is shared by all of us. My relatives were opposed to me writing the book at first, but I talked to them and showed them what I was going to write and, eventually, they understood and promised to support me."

And Ms Otsuji wants to do away with the "shame culture" that afflicts Japan.
"Everyone has problems living with that shame culture - and anyway, being lesbian or gay is not something anyone should be ashamed of," she points

The reaction to coming out was surprisingly muted, she says, although that was partly due to the fact it clashed with the political row involving then prime minister Junichiro Koizumi's decision to privatise the Japanese post office. Her immediate colleagues made no comments and were at some pains to avoid the topic of sexuality entirely.

Most of her constituency supporters continued to back her, although a few drifted away without saying anything to her.

Ms Otsuji shrugs when asked if she was disappointed and prefers to consider her achievements and look at the challenges ahead.

In October 2005, Osaka prefecture introduced the House Sharing System, which enables gay couples and other pairings that are not legally recognised to live in properties managed by the city.

Ms Otsuji's campaign office is on the third floor of a building in Ni-chome, the largest gay district in any of Japan's cities.

More than 300 bars, restaurants and clubs crowd the narrow streets, clearly catering to the homosexual crowd with their advertising fliers and posters.

To these people, Ms Otsuji is something of a hero - and certainly regarded as being brave for not concealing her sexuality.

More than 1,000 people attended her "wedding" to Ms Kimura, her partner of four years.

Ichirao Ozawa, the head of the DPJ, sent a telegram of congratulations, as did secretary-general Yukio Hatoyama and Osaka governor Fusae Ota.

It was held in a park as part of last weekend's Nagoya Lesbian and Gay Revolution and Ms Otsuji said in her speech that the event was the most wonderful day of her life.

Perhaps the only way to rival her "wedding day" would be the achievement of genuine acceptance and equality for Japan's gay and lesbian population.

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地方紙で紹介されています [お知らせ]


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大阪事務所を開設します [お知らせ]

尾辻かな子大阪事務所 14日からOPEN致しますので、是非お立ち寄り下さい!

〒530-0015 大阪市北区中崎西2-1-3 ゼネラルビル2号館3F
TEL 06-6311-4301 FAX 06-6311-4302
OPEN 12:00~20:00

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ニュース報道(予定) [お知らせ]

本日のテレビ朝日、SUPER J チャンネルにて、尾辻が紹介される予定です!是非ご覧下さい。(大きなニュースがあると放映されないこともあります)

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事前運動: 公示前に選挙運動を行うことはできません。上記の3要素が揃わない活動は、政治活動になり、これを日頃から行うことはまったく問題ありません。

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